A firm grasp of the fundamentals outlined in our Beginner DJ course.
The intermediate DJ course is designed to improve and build your confidence. You'll get dedicated attention from your tutor on all aspects of DJing. In this course, you’ll take your beginner skills to the next level and learn all the tricks and special transitions relevant to your genre of music. As a more creative DJ with knowledge of the advanced effects and functions you'll stand out as an artist.
You'll continue learning on industry standard DJ equipment including the Pioneer CDJ 2000 Nexus and DJM mixer set up used in the majority of clubs alongside Rekordbox and Mixed In Key.
Learn how to use all the advanced features of Rekordbox including the Hot Cues and Loops. You’ll also be shown how to fix difficult beatgrids.
Be tested on setting up your decks and mixer and complete your warm up exercises. Recap your previous module and make sure you’ve ticked everything off.
Learn how to use all the Beat FX, the best ways to use them with your chosen style of music and how to use them to make mix transitions even smoother.
Learn how to create loops and perform various loop tricks in the mix.
Learn how to use Vinyl mode on the CDJ so you can make use of the platter while performing some dramatic tricks.
Learn how to transition between DJ’s in a club, how to mix into their music and how to avoid all the common problems you may encounter when playing out.
Be tested on setting up your decks and mixer and complete your warm up exercises. We’ll continue to coach you while incorporating the Beat FX, Loops and Vinyl Mode.
Learn how to add some theatre to your movements and how to cut like a pro. We’ll teach you all the common cutting routines and focus on those suitable for your genre of music.
We’ll show you how to spice up your more complicated mix routines with the FX, combing your cuts with FX like Echo and Reverb for an even more attention grabbing mix.
We’ll now test you on your ability to deal with common issues when switching between DJs in a club including using the linked USBs, different genres of music and the general settings of your equipment.
Be tested on setting up your decks and mixer and complete your warm up exercises. We’ll continue to coach you while incorporating your new cutting skills into the mix.
Learn how to use the Hot Cues for various mix tricks including skipping from one part of the song to the next and drumming in a new rhythm.
Learn how to use Acapella in your mix, integrating a whole vocal or just chopping it up into smaller samples with the Hot Cues.
Go through every single button and function of the CDJs and Mixer with your tutor. We’ll make sure that you know everything!
We’ll now test you again on your ability to deal with common issues when switching between DJs in a club including using the linked USBs, different genres of music and the general settings of your equipment.
Complete your warm up exercises. We’ll continue to coach you while incorporating your new Hot Cue and Acappella skills into the mix.
Record your mix to showcase all your new skills and then go through a final report with your tutor to see what areas you may need to improve on and which areas you excel at.